Cycling Editorial for Carroll Magazine

April 25, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

This Spring I was excited to take on a photography project for Carroll Magazine that focuses on cycling. I had the pleasure of photographing several cyclists that love to get out for races and for fun, and this project gave me lots of opportunity to be creative. First up was Fred...

Cyclists of Carroll County - The Honorable Fred HeckerCyclists of Carroll County - The Honorable Fred Hecker Cyclists of Carroll County - The Honorable Fred HeckerCyclists of Carroll County - The Honorable Fred Hecker Cyclists of Carroll County - The Honorable Fred HeckerCyclists of Carroll County - The Honorable Fred Hecker

Then, I met up with two wonderful girls (Ann Marie & Judy), one of which had just returned home from a multi-week biking trip!

Carroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, Maryland Carroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, Maryland Carroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, Maryland Carroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, Maryland Carroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, Maryland Carroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cyclists Ann Marie & Judy | Eldersburg, Maryland

Finally, I had the pleasure of meeting the Diamond Hill Girls, who enjoy riding together casually.

Carroll Magazine Cycling Editorial | Diamond Hill Girls of Westminster, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cycling Editorial | Diamond Hill Girls of Westminster, Maryland Carroll Magazine Cycling Editorial | Diamond Hill Girls of Westminster, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cycling Editorial | Diamond Hill Girls of Westminster, Maryland Carroll Magazine Cycling Editorial | Diamond Hill Girls of Westminster, MarylandCarroll Magazine Cycling Editorial | Diamond Hill Girls of Westminster, Maryland


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